15 Temmuz 2016 Cuma

Nice terror attack: Lorry driver who killed 84 in Bastille Day rampage named as convicted criminal born in Tunisia

A terrorist who used a hired lorry to kill at least 84 people in a rampage during Bastille Day celebrations in Nice has been named as a convicted criminal well known to the police for armed attacks. Tunisian-born Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, a 31-year-old delivery driver, was reported to be a French passport holder who lived in the Riviera city and was regularly in trouble with the law. At least 10 children are among the dead following the "cowardly and barbaric" atrocity that left at least one British national among the many injured. Officials feared the death toll will rise, as dramatic footage emerged of the mass killer being shot dead by police in the cab of his truck. As hundreds remained in hospital - including 18 fighting for their lives in intensive care - investigators have been searching the home of Bouhlel in the Abattoirs area of Nice and carried out a controlled explosion on a white box van nearby.

Fransa’nın güneyindeki Nice’de, kent merkezinde bir kamyon 14 Temmuz Ulusal Gün (Bastille Günü) kutlaması yapan kalabalığın içine daldı. Polis yetkilileri saldırıda en az 84 kişinin hayatını kaybettiği açıkladı. Fransa basını, saldırıyı gerçekleştiren kişinin Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel isimli bir Tunuslu olduğunu yazdı.

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